Contentment for content

The spiritual concept of contentment is not a popular one.  The idea of being okay with what you have and then grateful for it as a blessing from above is not the norm.

In everything give thanks

I have not attained to this concept, but I do believe in its important in understanding gratitude and in living the recovered life.  I do not know how to give thanks in every situation, but if you can ask for grace to try, it may lead you in ways you never imagined.

With a grateful heart

Our ability to reach beyond our current place to new heights is the content needed to move toward contentment. What ways can you reach beyond in your current situation?

I am reminded of the author Richard Foster and his works on simplicity.  If you have not been introduced to the concept of simple living, I would encourage you to take a look into the idea.  Even if you decide it is not for you, it can challenge you to think about living in a different way than you had ever thought of before.  I would like to end today with a quote from him:

Stop trying to impress people with your clothes and impress them with your life.


Dan Davis is a licensed professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He is available for speaking and training of groups, schools, and businesses. Follow him on Twitter at @dand78


The devotional 45 days of Recovery in the Old Testament is available at:

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