Harry Potter VS Higher Power

Can the current culture recognize the difference between the fictional writings of the Harry Potter book series of over the concept of Higher Power?


My purpose in putting forth this question is not to degrade Harry Potter.  Each person must decide what they chose to read and what they choose is not for them. 

J.K. Rowling has stated that there is hidden Christian allegory in her books if you look for them.


This question first began to go through my thought process when I was helping my son study for a Biblical history test that he was preparing for at school.  While you do the best you can as a parent, I noticed some of his answers to my quizzing had nothing to do with history at all.  After getting over my feelings of have I failed as a parent, I began to notice a pattern of fictional replies to questions.  This is what lead me to wonder if my child’s generation, (that has always had media at their fingertips), know the difference in fiction and history.

Recovery focus

For those who read this blog that are in recovery, it is important that you know that the concept of Higher Power is not fiction.  You and I may disagree on who that Higher Power is, but meaningful recovery is aided by a healthy belief in a Power greater than ourselves.  If we reduce this to something as small as a piece of fiction, we lose an important part of our path on the road to recovery.

If you have been challenged by the concept of Higher Power in the past, I will encourage you not to give up on it too quickly.  Ask other people in recovery how they came to terms with the concept.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  We are all in this together.


Dan Davis is a licensed professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He is available for speaking and training of groups, schools, and businesses. Follow him on Twitter at @dand78


The devotional 45 days of Recovery in the Old Testament is available at:

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