It works if you work it

A twofold phrase that ends most recovery meetings

Keep coming back

Along with

It works if you work it

The it is what I would like to explore with you.  I strongly recommend a spiritual path to recovery grounded in a firm belief in a Higher Power.  Many will chose to work a different program, but I hope we will all agree on what is written below.


The first quote listed in this blog keep coming back addresses this issue of having a consistent program.  Regular contact with supportive people is key: meetings, sponsors, counselors, case managers, clergy, family, and anyone  else you can get to help move you forward.  The more people supporting you the better.


The second phrase it works if you work it speaks to several areas, but for this blog, it means it is not enough to simply go through the motions.  You can meet with everyone listed above and look as though you are playing the part.  Working it means that with every ounce of your heart and soul you are going to do move toward recovery today and tomorrow when you wake up; do that again. 

You really need to want this for yourself, not your parents, grandparents, your significant other, or your children.  Work it for you.

The next time a meeting ends and hear that important phrase.  I hope it means more to you.  I pray that you will be challenged to be more consistent and persistent in your path of recovery.


Dan Davis is a licensed professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He is available for speaking and training of groups, schools, and businesses. Follow him on Twitter at @dand78


The devotional 45 days of Recovery in the Old Testament is available at:

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