Choose the Next Path

Are you tossed and turned by the difficulties in your life right now?  Who have you put in command of the driver’s seat?  This is our challenge on Day 37.

Stop running the race

If you have not come to belief that there is a Power greater than your self who can run things better than you, you will find your self in a great deal of pain.  The pain of grasping control with every cell in your body.  There is an easier way.  Let go of the weight that is holding you down and begin turning it over to God.  You don’t have to understand it all in the beginning, but remember H.O.W.
These three traits will help us move forward in our spiritual journey.  Living an honest and open life helps us to be willing to follow the spiritual direction we choose to take.

Direct your path

Not all of life’s choices are easy,  especially after you’ve chosen to find a spiritual balance.  Whether the road is smooth or rocky, you will never walk it alome.  I would like to close with the Serenity Prayer which has given guidance and comfort to many

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.


Dan Davis is a licensed professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He is available for speaking and training of groups, schools, and businesses. Follow him on Twitter at @dand78

If you need treatment for an addiction or have a friend or family member who needs support call ( 502) 491-3799


The devotional 45 days of Recovery in the Old Testament is available at:

We Need Each Other

The journey of life is not a solitary event.  Moments are made to be shared with others.  This is our thought on Day 36.

Open your mind

You may feel very private about your life.  Difficulties with openness to others is common.  We were made to live in relationships with others.  The support from others you may find in meetings,  spiritual gatherings,  or other places will be key to your recovery.  Choose to attend weekly get togethers with others who will support you.  

Open your heart

We were made to live in a spiritual relationship with a Higher Power.  I know what that means for myself, but maybe this is new for you.  Give the concept of spirituality a chance.  It is an important part of our living and being.

Open your mind and heart to the relationships around you.  Give new opportunities a chance.


Dan Davis is a licensed professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He is available for speaking and training of groups, schools, and businesses. Follow him on Twitter at @dand78

If you need treatment for an addiction or have a friend or family member who needs support call (502) 491-3799


The devotional 45 days of Recovery in the Old Testament is available at

Nothing Can Compare

Worked hard toward a goal, but feeling like a little lapse wouldn’t hurt anything.  Stand strong in your values.  That is our challenge on Day 35.

Do not pass GO

Comparing to the board game of Monopoly may seem too simplistic, but there are some places we should not go, people we should not meet, and things we should not carry.  The trifecta of people, places, and things is not new advice (or something I invented).  Whatever your goal for the future is, consider how these three will affect you either positive or negative.

Do not collect $200

What does money have to do with this?  Responsible use of funds is difficult.  Some may need an accountability partner in this area.  If that partner is holding any amount of funds for you, be sure they are highly trustworthy.  Even those of us who feel we have a handle on money, maybe this is a good time to re-evaluate.  Could your spending habits use some tiding up?

Nothing can compare to the life that our Higher Power has set forth for us.  Enjoy the joy in the journey and don’t miss out on one step.


Dan Davis is a licensed professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He is available for speaking and training of groups, schools, and businesses. Follow him on Twitter at @dand78

If you are in need of help for an addiction or a family member, call (502) 491-3799 to set up a free consultation.


The devotional 45 days of Recovery in the Old Testament is available at:

The Grateful Life

More than counting your blessings, an attitude of gratitude will take you down the road you need to travel.  This is our challenge on Day 34.

Live for today

When you start planning things that are beyond your control in the future, I call that forecasting.  Even the weather man doesn’t have success at forecasting, so I suggest you stop doing it as well.  Live for today.  Do the right things today.  Tomorrow, repeat the process.  Don’t put too much thought into the future and never put your present in the past.  We have to let go of the things we have been forgiven of to move forward with our destiny.  Your Higher Power has a plan for you, but you will never achieve it until you can be present in today.

Give Thanks

Once you are present in the day, we must be grateful for what we have been given.  New blessings come once we acknowledge that we are grateful for the present ones.  If you are not sure what you have to be grateful for, sit down and write it out.  It will be much more than you think!

Begin today to live for today.  Be grateful for all the blessings in it.


Dan Davis is a licensed professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He is available for speaking and training of groups, schools, and businesses. Follow him on Twitter at @dand78


The devotional 45 days of Recovery in the Old Testament is available at:

Call for Help

Help is closer than you think.  It is only a prayer away.  This is our focus on Day 33.

Reach Up

Your Higher Power is waiting for you to turn that issue over.  Divine intervention may not come the way you expect in earthly terms, but every prayer is answered: yes, no, or wait.

Reach Out

Looking to those around you for social support might be one of the answers to prayer.  Build your face to face network of people who you can meet up with during tough times.  Tough times never last, but tough people do.

Start today to reach up and out.  Your life will be better for it and the blessings will start to increase.

Dan Davis is a licensed professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He is available for speaking and training of groups, schools, and businesses. Follow him on Twitter at @dand78


The devotional 45 days of Recovery in the Old Testament is available at:

Unconditional Love

Whatever you’ve done, wherever you’ve gone, and whoever you’ve been, there is a Power greater than you who is able and ready to love you unconditionally.  The idea of a man in the sky throwing lightning bolts at the earth is false.  This is our challenge on Day 32.

Loves you completely

Faults and failures are welcome.  There is no perfect person walking among us.  You may think we’ll that’s okay for others, but I did this….
There is no scorecard being kept.  Nothing can separate you from the unconditional love of God.

Loves discreetly

I used the term discreet to emphasize the personal nature of the relationship you can engage in.  If you have never considered prayer and meditation in your life, think about that again.  You can say anything you want from your lips to God’s ears.  No judgment.

My wish for you today is you start down that path to the great unconditional love that will never leave you or forsake you.


Dan Davis is a licensed professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. He is available for speaking and training of groups, schools, and businesses. Follow him on Twitter at @dand78


The devotional 45 days of Recovery in the Old Testament is available: